is there a way to manually move the Robot in a LineMove when im Moving to a teached Point?
is there a way to manually move the Robot in a LineMove when im Moving to a teached Point?
I’m not sure if I correctly understand your question, so here are 2 answers:
I don’t think that’s an accurate statement.
I don’t remember ever being able to use a Move Here and have it do a linear move. They’re always radial. I just tested it on an existing program with MoveL and MoveJ waypoints. Using Move Here on both MoveL and MoveJ waypoints moved the arm in a radial move. Not linear.
There are some limitations (that I can’t fully check now) where move will revert to joint space move regardless of type defined in program.
I just checked on CB3 3.15 and to make “move here” move along linear path move type has to be changed to MoveL before defining first waypoint.
On eSeries it works as soon as move type is switched to MoveL.
Could you come up with a robot version that you’re using, and steps to reproduce?
I’ve got two UR10e’s, s/n’s starting with 2019xxx and 2020xxx. Both running UR v 5.10.
I just checked and you are correct.
I noticed this happening when moving to pallet corner positions manually vs watching the robot move there in a program. This is probably one of the conditions that it is different as you mentioned.
Thanks for forcing me to look into this further.