Below you can find my code used for testing a robot position stored in datamodel.
verifyOverEoat.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
JointPositions nullPose=null;
int i=combo.getSelectedIndex();
JointPositions j;
try {
j=contribution.fromStringToJointPositions(contribution.dataModel.get("overToolJoints"+i, ""));
contribution.apiProvider.getUserInterfaceAPI().getUserInteraction().getRobotMovement().requestUserToMoveRobot(j, new RobotMovementCallback() {
public void onComplete(MovementCompleteEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("movimento finito");
}catch (Exception e1){
popup.setErrorPopup( "Set the OVER EOAT Position", "EOAT Position ERROR!");
This movement is Joint movent my question is : Can i obtain a linear movement in a similar way.
Thank for the attencion.