This URCAP has an Invalid Manifest - on Polyscope 5.11.1

I downloaded and installed the Polyscope 5.11.1 and the SDK 1.13.0 on a Linux machine.
It run all smoothly, but whenever I try to run an URCAP on the Polyscope I get this message
"This Urcap has an invalid manifest file(‘META-INF/MANIFEST.MF’)."

It happens in either situations:

  • If I compile the Hello World program(the only modificaiton was to edit the ursim.home to my local folder).
  • If I create a new program musing the SDK.
  • If I get an already working URCAP and install it.

In other words it does not work at all.

Does anybody has anny hel…I attached here here my HelloWorld folder with the pom and the target generated. (92.7 KB)

Hi @tulio,

I was able to reproduce it by deploying it with Maven, after a restart of Polyscope it disappeared. If I delete the symbolic link in the ursim- (that is created after the restart) the issue is triggered again. Can you give some insight if that link is created? It might be related to a permission issue.



i just got this issue, do you have any updates about this topic?


I have dealt with the problem. However, I did not find a concrete explanation. I wanted to ask if there was progress from your side?

This is an old post, but if this can help :
to solve this problem you may have to uninstall the URCAP inside de simulator by clicking the minus < - > button, close sim and recompile code.

On the next opening of the simulator the URCAP should work. On our side this happens whenever certain changes are made in the POM file, i.e. version number is incremented.

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Had this issue too and Ebbe was correct but here is further clarification. When you compile HelloWorld (or any cap) it puts a .jar file in the following location: ursim- urcaps is a symbolic link folder and it was missing (I think this was due to making a clone of an existing computer). Simply navigating to the bundle folder and running: ln -s [path of the target file] [symoblic name] creates this folder (e.g. ln -s /home/username/Desktop/URsim/ursim- urcaps). The sim worked properly after this.

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