Dear UR R&D team:
I have put together some feature request over the last months of development. My requests would be as follows:
- Allow multi-selection in program tree, for edit commands (copy, paste, cut, etc)
- Add standard keyboard shorcuts for program tree and alphanumeric edit functions (copy, paste, cut, etc): Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X, etc.
- Accept ‘Enter’ key as ‘OK’ button and ‘Esc’ key as ‘Cancel’ button
- Allow to explore and interact with FULL program tree.
- Allow multi-level (nested) sub program calls.
- Include funcions for output signasl: set down/up once (momentarily) on program stop
- Include funcions to link input-output when program is stopped: DO3 = DI1, etc.
- Allow a special thread/code/script to run when program is stopped.
- Allow a special thread/code/script to run after program stops: ‘after stop’, opposite as ‘before start’.
- Real robot main GUI terminal screen (ctrl+alt+F9) shows only the last 1 or 2 pages of this terminal.
Make it fully scrollable to help debugging, among other things. - Real robot main GUI terminal screen (ctrl+alt+F9) (and the rest of terminals ctrl+alt+F1 through F5)
are not properly accessible via VNC. I can change from GUI to a terminal once, and then it gets stucked
there. I don’t know if is in UR’s hands to change this, but it would help speed up some developments
and debuggins.
I also agree with and support these similar posts: