We are receiving some errors from MyDaemonSwing.urcap in the terminal “Ctrl + Alt + F9” but we cannot fully see the error because there is no way to scroll in the terminal window. The problem was already mentioned in How to scroll the console / terminal screen with only keyboard but no solution was given.
We’ve also tried to log the error or find the error in an already existing log file by following the steps in URCap log details without success.
We are using the UR10e with Polyscope 5.12.
Any tips would be very appreciated!
Yep scrolling the terminal would be a wonderful thing. I have used 2 options: Run it in the simulator environment where you can scroll through the terminal. Record the teach pendent with your phone as soon as you can so you can scrub back through the video and read the errors. For what it’s worth, I recently had an issue with MyDaemonSwing as well, straight “out of the box” from the SDK. Ended up being that the python file got switched to line endings in “CRLF” instead of just “LF.” I guess VS Code automatically opened it that way and it DID NOT like it.
This is a common problem with Daemons, we had the same thing for a long time with a daemon in one of our own URCaps, a Daemon will not run on the robot until the line endings are converted to LF rather than CRLF, its a very easy fix but until you know about it you’ll be left scratching your head! I’ve spent a long time wondering why my Daemon was in ERROR before realising this!