How to eliminate the popup "Robot needs to be powered ON to proceed"?

How do I eliminate a popup like below ?

I know “close popup” command for Dashboard Server, but the command doesn’t eliminate the popup.
Is there any way to eliminate the popup remotely ? (e.g. remoting to Dashboard Server)

The popup should only show if the robot has been issued a command/action that requires it to be powered on.
So, if you’re controlling the robot remotely, make sure the robot is powered on, before you proceed with any commands and requests.

There’s no way to close it remotely, as far as I am aware. :slight_smile:

Hi efn,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I turn off robot remotely and turn on as well via Dashboard Server. The popup is shown during the on/off, then it is not disappeared without touching manually onto Teach Pendant. So I just wanted to know whether we have a way to close it or not.
Anyway, noted, thanks for your information.

I really don’t think the popup should show if the robot is turned on correctly before commanded to do anything else. :slight_smile:
The popup should only pop up, if the robot is commanded to do something while it is off.