Hi. For my bachelor thesis I’ve created my own tool control board which reads signals from digital outputs pins from the tool socket and performs proper action based on states of these signals. Project works pretty well when I use teachpendant with Installation settings shown in image1.jpg
I want to use it under ROS, however when I am connecting to robot using URCap External Control its overriding my own settings(you can see"if URCap controls the interface, user defined options will be overridden" on top of the image)
from installation tab, and I dont know how to change it.
What I was already trying to do:
-use ur_msgs/SetIO Service, but as I see I can only change voltage there, not outputmode(npn->pnp)
-Save my installation settings in teachpendant as default one and then start program
TL;DR I want these settings:
Voltage: 24V
Digital output 0 mode: Sourcing(pnp)
Digital output 1 mode: Sourcing(pnp)
URCap sets its own settings, how to change its parameters or disable change(of settings chosen by me) when controlling UR3e by external control?
Greetings, and thanks for help in advance.