Thanks @terryc
I think I’ll try the linux command running in the shell.
Does -delete request confirmation for each file or just once for all or no confirmation at all?
Thanks @terryc
I think I’ll try the linux command running in the shell.
Does -delete request confirmation for each file or just once for all or no confirmation at all?
Good call asking that. It doesn’t confirm and just deletes. I should have mentioned if you want to preview the files that would be deleted, just omit the -delete argument and it should print out a list to console. Also the " from the other post should be '. I fixed it
@eric.feldmann made a simple script based on the backup script that quickly deletes all the .oldx files from Polyscope.
I ran this script back on March 30 to dump all the old files then rebooted the robot.
It’s been almost a month since and I have not seen ANY slowdown like I am used to seeing on this robot.
That tells me my opinion that the .oldx files (hundreds of them!) were causing the slowdown all along.
It also tells me @RobH and his merry band of bot-jocks need to step up and deal with this issue. Should be a super easy fix and it’s not fair to users to let this known issue fester.
Any updates on this? The file system fills up very fast when we’re developing a new program, and it does seem to slow things down!
Any help would be much appreciated!
Also, any chance someone could post a snippet of @eric.feldmann s script for cleaning up files?
Magic (1.5 KB)
Here’s the files. In here is the Backup All Programs magic file, which I highly advise running first just in case. The second is the removeOld magic file which removes any file that has “.old” in its name. So hopefully you didn’t name one of your actual programs with that in its name.
Per UR’s request: Custom magic files are discouraged so this is “use at your own risk” yadda yadda. I’ve used it on my robots here and it’s worked fine, but you never know. That’s why I’d backup all your programs first.
I’ll definitely do the backup first.
Thank you!