EASY: Method to Clean Up Filespace on Polyscope

can you see the files from the shell? i haven’t tried before, and my robots are running.

plug in a keyboard, hit CTRL & ALT & F2, *login : root password : easybot, then ‘ls -a’ and see if the files show up.

command line will be WAY easier to delete old files than one by one via the GUI

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Definitely go for the FTP option.
I installed filezilla and clearing out old and unused files is a breeze over FTP!
Plus its a great option for backing up programs especially if you want to move them between robots.
Its easy to setup too.

I gave up on using the file manager (If you can call it that)!


Yes, but… I don’t know the path to the file directory, nor how to exit the shell and get back to the GUI, nor the finer points of linux in general :slight_smile:, but this will absolutely be an option if I decide not to use an FTP client instead. In fact it wouldn’t be too hard to write a python script to manage this. I’ve done lots of this kind of thing in other languages. :+1:

We use Filezilla and the Fanuc Program Transfer Tool for file management on our CNCs so this will probably be the best option. Filezilla has better drag and drop options among other things, but either will be a welcome change.

I don’t know what it is, but a file manager it is not. By any stretch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because it can be handy to know, Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or 6) will get you the Linux terminal. Type “root” for the username, and “easybot” as the password. (As is customary with linux, it will not show any characters when you type the password, just trust that it is working lol)

You can then type “ls” (that’s lowercase L) to see a list of files. Your program files can be found by typing “cd /programs” You can then attempt wildcard deletions such as “rm *.old” or similar to clear things out. Fair warning I haven’t actually tried this, but in theory it should work. (the default keyboard is also Danish, so for example getting the “/” character you’ll need to just hit the division key on the numpad. You can change the default keyboard but…ehhhhhh)

To return to the Polyscope GUI at any time, press Ctrl+Alt+F7

Ctrl+Alt+F9 will also pull up a different display, which is the underlying Polyscope and is where you could see “System.outs” if you were ever to start developing URCaps. (unfortunately you can’t scroll in this terminal so it SUCKS)

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Had a feeling it might be a different CTRL+ALT number bud didn’t want to go through them all 1 at a time. I mean, I’m fairly dangerous with a command line but not THAT dangerous. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There are a few things I’d like to see Polyscope do that it doesn’t and it doesn’t seem like the community is interested, so I have been wondering if it’s worth it to go through the URCap learning curve.

I was reading that thread earlier. Seems it’s been an old topic and not getting any traction.

I just re-image the sd card when we sell a demo or wipe it for a customer use. much faster and easier.

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In most linux systems, the shortcuts: CTRL+ALT (F1-F6) are virtual terminal sessions, F7 is default GUI.

Super handy/dangerout feature if a linux station is left locked, but on. Handy if you share a system between users (old programming job i had), dangerous if someone is a bad actor with access to a machine

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Every time I try to open a file it takes this long just to load the file manager.

It’s ridiculous. I use this dialog all the time. When are you going to fix this???


Is your machine connected to the network? If so, I can give you instructions on how to FTP into it, do a backup of all your programs, and you can delete all the .OLD files (backup files that it makes when you make changes to the program).

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No. I may be forced to connect it, though… just to clean up this un-holy mess.

I don’t know what it is about linux based systems but lately they seem to be riddled with unhandled exceptions which cause memory leaks and slow down the system.

As an old windows programmer I know the importance of clearing memory when you’re done with it. I guess it’s a much bigger issue in linux.

It’s not just important, it’s EASY.

Set someLargeObject = Nothing


Sorry in advance for the rant.

I just counted. I’m up to 770 files on this UR. Rebooting almost weekly.

I’m over it.


@RobH What’s going on with this?

I’m about to go nuclear. If this isn’t addressed I may suggest we switch back to Doosan for any future robot purchases. We’ve got 3 robots already (2 URs and 1 Doosan) and they’re so far over capacity we can’t keep up.


Seriously, I’m this close (holds fingers 1/4" apart) to punting on UR over this.


Dang dude, I feel super bad for you on that.

How’s your ssh game?

ssh root@<robot ip> 'rm /programs/*.bak* /programs/*.old*'
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For the windows equivalent (DOS) I’m very comfortable. Just started using a RPi 4 at home so getting used to the linux commands. May end up going this route if UR drops the ball. Might be easier than setting up ethernet.

Too bad this UR thing is going south. I really do like the UR’s better than the Doosan’s but the Doosan’s are so much more reliable.

Just to clarify, the ssh command is built into the windows terminal now👍

And I feel you, I have my own issue with the URs right now where if someone pulls the power on one in the field, all the installation variables get wiped. Very unfortunate if you’re storing any calibration information in them.

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** WARNING This is experimental! Use at your own risk. Do a FULL backup before you try this. **

I’ve modified a magic file so that it takes a backup of all the *.old files, then deletes them. I tested it on one of my robots and it seemed to work.

This does nothing for other file remnants. For example, when you delete a program, it only deletes the URP file, and not the TXT or SCRIPT file associated with it.

urmagic_file_test.zip (957 Bytes)

** Again, experimental! Use at your own risk **


Thanks for this!

I took a look and will test it when I get back from the desert after New Years.

Thanks again!

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Hi @nnaylor

I finally got some time to try this. I did a full system backup then moved that folder to an archive folder on the USB.

Then I copied the .sh file to the USB and plugged it in. Got the Red then Green USB warnings, waited a few extra seconds then pulled the USB. OLDx files are still there (did not get deleted), they are also in the folder the .sh created so it’s backing them up correctly.

Are there any permissions I need to change or anything to make this work?


I reviewed that code, it only deletes files of extension .old0 to .old9

Do the extensions go outside that?

No. It backed up all the Old0 Old1 etc files but did not delete them.

Here’s a command I run in windows to clear robot files over ethernet. You have to download PuTTY though (Free Windows ssh utility).

plink -batch -ssh root@x.x.x.x -pw easybot find /programs/ -name '*.old*' -type f -delete

plink comes with putty

  • -batch makes it so you don’t have to press Enter before the command is run
  • -ssh is secure shell connection
  • -root@x.x.x.x is where you’d specify robot IP
  • -pw easybot enters the default password for you

This is the linux command being run remotely
find /programs/ -name ‘*.old*’ -type f -delete

  • find /programs/ is one of the linux search commands (used in this case to go into programs and sub folders as well)
  • -name ‘*.old*’ specifies any name containing the string .old (can replace with .bak)
  • -type f specifies regular file
  • -delete specifies removing the file

It’s not that I’m too lazy to plug a USB drive in, most of the work I do is on robots situated around the world. That I’m too lazy to plug a USB drive in, is mostly a coincidence.

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