This topic has been closed, and all samples have been migrated to the new URCaps Samples category in order to better facilitate discussions and updates to these samples.
UR3 Screwing URCap
An example of a URCap that only includes a Program Node.
The URCap converts the data inputted into the program node user interface and modifies the script code based on this.
Provides a simple solution and user interface, covering up a complex script code.
ScriptWriter, screwing, UR3, ProgramNode,
Latest version:
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Requires SDK 1.0+
Legacy cap with a few bugs:
Find them and fix them if you want a challenge.
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An example of a URCap that only includes an Installation Node and a small Python Daemon.
The URCap implements an XML-RPC call to a Python server to extend the math functionality of the URScript language.
The included math functionality is: string concentration, string indexation, addition and subtraction of numbers.
XML-RPC, strings, concentration, InstallationNode, DaemonService, Python, Daemon
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Requires SDK 1.0+
6 posts were split to a new topic: Problem loading sample URCap
A post was split to a new topic: UR3 Screw bug, ghosting between different instances
Whip welding URCap
Sample, work in progress
This URCap uses a Feature Plane to create a weaving path for welding.
An example of a URCap that shows an image and a dropdown menu with Plane Features from installation.
Use to work with images, select
method and dropdowns and how to read information from the Installation in a ProgramNode and vice versa.
image, select, dropdown, Features, Plane Feature
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Requires SDK 1.0+
Note: Not functional, and should not be used industrially for welding.
getRobotData Real Time Client reader URCap
This URCap implements a new custom class, getRobotRealtimeData.class, that connects to the Real Time Client interface, and reads the message.
The data from the Real Time Client is broken into the information it represents, and implements get-methods to read actual TCP pose, actual joint positions, joint temperatures, joint operation modes and the safety limited speed scaling percentage. You can add your own get-methods as well.
Hence, this class demonstrates how to read information about the robot state (position, running mode, etc.) and use this within another section of the URCap.
A sample placeholder Installation node is implemented, to show how to import the getRobotRealtimeData
class into another class. The Installation node uses EventQueue.invokeLater
to update the values from the getRobotRealtimeData
socket, importing class, get actual TCP, client interfaces, live update
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Requires SDK 1.1+
Script Wapper URCap
This URCap wraps the contents of a selected script file into a program node in PolyScope.
The user can select which script file to wrap, and select a decent image to show instead.
User must place a script file (.script) and optionally image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png .bmp) in the /programs/
folder on a real robot, or /home/ur/ursim-current/programs/
in a URSim. The URCap checks the robots serial number, to decide what folder to look in.
The sample demonstrates how to wrap pre-written URScript into a URCap. How to read the serial number and find files on the file system. It also implements images and dropdowns.
It is suggested, that product that generate URScript code into a file, e.g. CAD/CAM software uses an approach like this, to wrap different modules of the script code into self-explanatory functional blocks for easier readability.
appendRaw, script file, image, select, dropdown, manage files, read script
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Requires SDK 1.1+
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sample: getRobotData Real Time Client reader URCap
All samples have been migrated to the new URCaps Samples category in order to better facilitate discussions and updates to these samples.
This topic will be closed.