UR Log Viewer to support multiple log_history.* files


Support multiple log_history.* files to analyze them at the same time on “Log Reader” tab on UR Log Viewer

What is it?

“Log Reader” supports to load only 1 log_history.* file.
I’d like UR to enhance the feature in order to load several log_history.* files. (e.g. 1000 files)

Why is it needed?

To analyze long term trend with several log_history.* files, the above feature is very convenient as I suppose to load selected files 1 time only.
Typically, GUI tool supports such multiple file loading feature.

log.history.txt is the most recent log file, but a log.history.bak file should also be available.

You can open log.history.bak in a notepad, copy everything, and paste it at the end of the log.history.txt file.

Save the new file with a .txt extension and you can open it in the log viewer tool.

Hi Miwa,
Thanks a lot for your reply and suggestion.

I can append several log.history.* files by “copy” command on Windows Command Prompt as below.

  • copy /b log.history.* new.log

copy command

But, I hope UR Log Viewer supports the multiple files loading feature to reduce workload by UR user like me.
I also recommend to support zip file loading by UR Log Viewer since log.history.* may be sometimes zipped for file size reduction on user PC.