Save data to log with textmsg()


I have to log some data from a UR10, to examine it’s conditions during operation. I wrote a thread which send these data to the log file, using textmsg(). According to the counter, about 1000000 lines of data has been sent to the log, but when copied the log file to a USB drive, by magic file, I haven’t found all the lines. The log_history.txt contains only 40760 lines and there are also 151000 more in the log_history.bak.
Is there any method to gain access to the whole log history?

There is only one backup file created for log_history, older entries are lost.
If you need to log so much data, then custom logging is recommended.
You can start from python tcp server, that saves received messages to text file.

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Hi Dima,

I would lke to know why you need all this data. We have just developed a tool for reading log and flightreports and normally is enough for finding out the problems of the cobot.

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