Speed slider fraction in URSim UR5


I am trying to implement a simple “slow-down if needed” feature and I am wondering if there is a way to access the speed slider through program (either directly in URSim or through python rtde). I noticed that there exists a robot controller input, called speed_slider_fraction, but it does not seem to work in any way I try to implement it.

(How) can I write a script command to set the speed slider fraction to a given value? Or is there any other way to slow down all my Move commands at once?

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 12.44.31

can you use the reduce speed safety input?

I know you can get the speed slider fraction from a remote interface such as EthernetIP or Profient (if you have a PLC/master device). I would imagine you can also get it using python.

Sorry, could you explain what you mean? I am only looking at robot controller inputs at the guide (Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) Guide - 22229) and can’t see how exactly I’m supposed to write the script to change the speed slider.

Thanks for the reply. I know you can read the speed slider fraction from the speed_scaling output variable, but as I understand, this cannot be processed as an input command but only read as an output (I tried).

As I understand it, direct access to the speed slider is not possible with UR Script.

It can however be controlled from an external source via as (eric mentioned) a PLC acting as master (Ethernet/IP or Profinet)
or form a PC running a python (or other language) script connected to the Robot via RTDE on port 30004.

as the guide shows to use the speed_slider_fraction you also need to use the speed_slider_mask to use or don’t use.

What is the reason for wanting to slow the robot?

if its for safety purposes mricchino’s suggestion of using the Reduced speed safety inputs is very worth while looking into.


here’s the solution.

  • put the “socket open” line the before-Start Sequence
  • whenever you’d like to change the speed, perform the next 3 lines
  • do not close the socket, if not needed

BR Simon


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Forgot to mention, that variable “RobotSetSpeed” is from 0 to 100 and deviding it by 100 gives you the needed argument from 0 to 1 e.g. 0.5 for 50%

Works perfectly! Thank you so much.