Robot pauses at the same line even after removing the pause feature


I am perplexed by a weird behavior of our UR5e cobot. We are working on a robot program that has about 18 waypoints in total and 57 lines of code. Some waypoints needed to be retaught and verified by running the program in two stages.

I used a pause feature on line 22(at waypoint_7 in my program) to check that the robot works fine until that waypoint. Once I was comfortable with how the program worked I removed the pause feature on line 22.

After saving the program I ran the cycle to see if it all worked well, the robot ran through the whole program without pausing. But once I tried to replay the program it paused after line 22 or waypoint_7 again. There is no pause in the program and I have tried a lot of different things. Here is the strange stuff:

  • I restarted the robot and it still did the same thing, works through the whole program the first time and pauses at line_22 when I replay the program a second time.

  • When it pauses at line_22 there is no error or fault, the pause button doesn’t change to a resume button either. The cobot just sits there frozen

  • The robot runs through the whole program for the first time after making any changes, as simple as renaming a waypoint; but pauses at line_22 when replayed without making any changes

  • Resaving the file as a new program doesn’t solve the issue either, it still runs through the whole program the first time but pauses at guess what; line_22 again.

  • Also tried removing the waypoint at line_22 and reteaching a new waypoint which doesn’t seem to work either.

And the biggest issue is this is a dispensing application, I have my outputs turned off to the dispenser right now but will make a mess if this issue isn’t resolved.

Has anyone else seen a similar issue with the ‘line pause’ feature or know a fix for this issue?

Hi @poolla ,

I’m glad I found this old topic because my UR3 shows the same behavior. It simply stops between two waypoints without an error message. After stop and start, it continues as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know if I had a pause instruction in it when programming.

Do you know how you fixed the problem?

Best regards, Stefan

I would look at the .script file for your program to see what might have been inserted at that point in the program.

  • If you haven’t dealt with this before, Polyscope creates 3 files when you do a save - the .urp which is what it runs; the .script file which is a human readable version with everything in it, and a .txt file which is a simplified human readable pseudo-code which looks similar to the program you see on the pendant without much detail.
  • In the Load Program page you can set the filter to All Files and copy the files to a usb stick, or you can connect using an ftp program such as WinSCP, which lets you drag & drop between the robot and your PC if it’s hooked up either directly or through your network.

Down near the bottom of the .script file you should be able to find line_22 labelled as $ 22 .
I expect that somewhere just before or after that line there’s something which is causing it to pause.
Copy that stuff to this thread and someone can probably tell you how to fix it.

Thanks for your reply. Here is the script code:

while (True):
$ 38 “Roboterprogramm”
$ 39 “Einstellen Greifer_oeffnen=Ein”
set_standard_digital_out(0, True)
$ 40 “FahreLinear”
$ 41 “Wegpunkt_2” “breakAfter”
movel(p[.217662609755, -.183561374998, .123853683058, 3.033734909434, .052707523012, .801656676164], a=1.2, v=0.25)
$ 42 “Wegpunkt_5” “breakAfter”
movel(p[.224748285494, -.183558646693, .084040152784, 3.011860015173, .052697143758, .877080854901], a=1.2, v=0.25)

The robot stops between “Wegpunkt_2” and “Wegpunkt_5”. It doesn’t seem that there is some wrong line in it.


in that case please create a support ticket in myUR and we will try to help you further.

I agree with dasa – the UR team can probably run your program through a simulator and figure out what’s going on.

Please let us know what they find.

Was there a solution to this problem?