Reboot robot gives "Read Error" at startup (Shutdown and push power button works)


I am using a UR5e with version 5.13.1.

When I do a system reboot, the system shut down the computer and then tries to start. It gives print out “Read error” on a black screen (I then use the power button, switch off and on and the system starts as usual).

When I select system shutdown and then use the power button to turn the robot on, everything works fine.

What can I do? Can I check the SD-card?

Best regards



Did you ever find a fix to this problem?

I get this error while trying to update from polyscope 5.11.1 to 5.14.5 on a UR10e series?

the error disapears when I remove the usb with the update on and reboot it.
But it wont update the software at all, have even tried with different versions of 5.14.x and different USB’s and USB ports.

Best Regards CG1


no the problem still exists. I called the service and they recommend to install a new image on an SD-card.
This I tried but still the problem with the restart (also the error “Read Error” don’t show up anymore…).

So I would think, that something with the Bios/Bootloader is not working correctly.

Best regards


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Hi Again Jan

well that’s unfortunate.
but Thanks for taking some time to answer me

Best Regards CG1