I have one of our UR10e that for the first time gave a “No controller” error on boot, after a clean shutdown yesterday, booting today and not possible to start it. Everything fine again after a reboot, but wondering if this is just a “fluke” and I should brush it off or if there’s anything I should investigate? Never happened previously on any of our UR10e, didnt install or change anything, robot was not moved, nothing.
Robot is 1yr old, polyscope 5.13, little hours, only External Control URcap since a year but never had this issue on any of our other UR10e’s so I’m a bit concerned. Any ideas what could trigger it on boot?
It can be caused by software malfunctions. In early versions of PolyScope 5, it would happen, if you had too many threads for instance.
So I wouldn’t be too worried, if it’s gone again.
was really doubtful about this one, robot has not been moved much so was not sure how the SD card could get unseated. Double checked: turns out, a left-handed friend plugged an ethernet cable in the controller (eg not panel mount, direct in the board) and if you do that left-handed you are millimeters away of the SD card when seating in the ethernet cable… so he likely didnt notice that he pushed on the SD card while doing so and it got unseated, it was still hanging but clicked back in when I pushed to double check.