This is with the latest version of the URSim (5.9).
The script checks for java versions later than 1.6. Unfortunately, it does a string compare and concludes than “11.0.8” is less that “1.6” and so quits with a failure of “java version is too old”.
To fix this UR needs to rework the string. I’ve updated mine to trip off the major version and just compare that to 1.6 as a number using the ‘bc’ utility.
needToInstallJava() {
echo "Checking java version"
if command -v java; then
# source
version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}')
echo "Stripping the front end"
echo Java major version "$majorVersion"
if [ "`echo "$majorVersion > 1.6" | bc`" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "java version accepted"
return 0
return 1