Apologies if this has been asked before. I’m a newb on linux.
I installed URSim_Linux- after i run the startup command if loads to 100% but just hangs then. not sure what to do so thought Id ask on here.
I’ve attached a snip of the screen showing where it hangs in the terminal, and the version of Linux and Java.
if ive missed any info that will make troubleshooting easier let me know.
I’m a newb at Linux, as well. Which makes me wonder why you didn’t use the official URSim non-Linux virtual machine (for Windows), which comes with Linux and URSim preinstalled and works “out of the box”?
Thanks for your reply. The reason is we have a linux machine and our windows computers/laptops are locked down by our IT dept which is why we’re not using the windows version!
No, I don’t don’t think you understand.
we can’t use the windows version as we don’t have permission to install it. we do have a linux that we use, i’m not sure how to fix this problem with.
Might be helpful to get a full dump of the upper terminal window there. Looks like there’s maybe some errors going on, but without the full log we won’t be able to see what’s going on.
This looks like the relevant error. Specifically, “no j3dcore-ogl in java.library.path” I don’t know what this means, but it does give you something to Google in the meantime. Here was a result I found, but didn’t look at super closely. It’s probably just that you’re missing a file, or it’s pointing at the wrong directory
thanks a Million for looking at this. I’ll check this error out and try to find the file or directory. I may come back to you with a questions on it if thats ok?
In WSL2 Ubuntu20.04, I just run:
sudo apt install libjava3d-jni
and run ./start-ursim again, you will see what you want.
But as for me, I still get error like this:
ERROR [Thread-3] 18:50:39 03/04/23: Problem with installation of bundle
java.io.IOException: Could not set executable flag on file /home/mqroad/URSim_Linux-