Install URSIM-3.14.3 for Linux on Ubuntu 20.04 with Java 11

has anyone succussful installed the URSIM 3.14.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 with Java 11 ?
(… The simulator has been tested on …Ubuntu 14.04 based…)
If I want to install URSIM I have some issues:

  1. shows that Java 11 ist too old, but it’s the newest version !!!
    I have solved it by modifing the script: …“if version>1.6” to “if version>0”…
    Then I can start the installation.

  2. want to install libcurl3, but that ist old.
    I have solved it by modifing the script: …“libcurl3” to “libcurl4”…

  3. After that I can start the install process, but at the and I have no Start-Icon.
    If I want to start URSIM with it seems to start, but Java hangs and URSIM doesn’t start.

What can I do to run URSIM 3.14.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 with Java 11 ?

Thank you

I ran into this issue, where both the start up script and the run script have an invalid version check for Java.

As I didn’t need Java 11, I solved this by uninstalling Java 11 and then installing Java 8 prior to running the install script.

This worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04