When deploying robots as part of larger systems, often operators will have no robot programming experience, no need for ir.
Traditionally, such deploments will rely on an HMI or PC, in which operators will enter relevant data or select programs to be run. Ideally, URCaps would allow creating basic, lightweight interfaces to do this, without having to enter the programming environment (which should be password protected at this stage)…
The closest thing to this I believe is the Assignment->Prompt option, but that is limited to a simple text box, hence it is not an alternative to HMI, etc.
Ideally, URCaps will allow the display of an HTML GUI on top of the Run Program for pre-execution inputs. For example, to allow an operator to enter dimensions of a work object, with an image explaining the dimensions, prior to commencement of robot motion. Similar functionality of overlays and full screen prompts is shown in some of the Robotiq accesories videos, but I’m informed these are beyond URCaps functionality.
We fully support this idea. We wanted to use URCaps to create a HMI that is specific to us, branded, etc with larger buttons so that operators can easily operate the robot. To get around this issue, we actuially deploy all of our robots with a good old fashioned button panel. It has a lockable emergency stop button, a play and pause button and then a selector switch that allows us to put the robot in free-drive mode. Much easier to move the robot with both hands, especially the UR10 which is a bit of a beast to move with one hand. If we could create our own HMI overlays we could have all of the functionality on the touch pendant instead of a separate button box
URCap is not an option at the moment, after i tested it and found that URCap is only for the ease of programming at this moment. After all URCap is more like a tool to pack a section of program into single node with the capability to change the parameter of program within it.
GUI during runtime only available if using socket communication to interface with external device such as a pc.
+1 this needs to be a feature. Adding HMI functionality to the programming tablet could be a huge selling point for UR if they were to add this capability.