I am making a traceability feature in wrapper program to ensure a complete history of production process. To cover all the parameters I also need to get all .nc files that are used within the robot program. In example on your website there is a script which has a path to a .nc file:
path_id = mc_load_path(“/programs/myToolPathFile.nc”, use_feedrate = False)
mc_add_path(path_id, acc_factor, speed_factor, blend_rad_toolpath)
From that kind of command in .script file I would be able to extract the path and the parameter for traceability would be covered. But in my case, since the robot program is generated in GUI, the commands looks like this:
begin: URCap Program Node
Source: Remote TCP & Toolpath, 1.3.0.build16, Universal Robots A/S
Type: Toolpath Move
$ 8 “Toolpath_MoveP”
mc_initialize(0, p[0.0,-0.055,0.2,-1.5707963267948966,0.0,0.0], 5) mc_set_pcs(p[-0.6381926120503243,0.03868983646696442,0.017249007420720303,1.4844129845367169,0.6166080386566236,0.620550136329594])
id_11_1 = mc_add_path(0, 1.2, 0.2, 0.0)
mc_debugMsg("Toolpath_1 is ID ", id_11_1)
mc_last_motion_id = id_11_1
begin: URCap Program Node
Source: Remote TCP & Toolpath, 1.3.0.build16, Universal Robots A/S
Type: Toolpath
$ 9 “Toolpath_1”
end: URCap Program Node
In command mc_add_path(0, 1.2, 0.2, 0.0), the number 0 represents a reference to the filepath of the .nc file. Where can I find the list of the references with the files?
Thank you.