Edit pose - Installation Feature

I would like to request the addition of an “Edit pose” button in the Features definition screen.

The use case is exactly the same as the “Edit pose” button in the Waypoint definition screen: A user knows the precise value(s) of a position change needed, but wishes to change the values without actually positioning the robot in the pose.

Common use cases:

  1. A user wishes to make a precise change to the Feature pose location, but the Feature teach point(s) are not accessible at the time the pose change is needed. Examples:
  • A Feature defining a pallet location (for a Depalletizing sequence) may not be accessible when a fully-loaded pallet is in place. Unloading the pallet to re-teach the robot is prohibitively time-consuming and costly, but an Edit Pose button would enable the necessary change in seconds.
  • In a machine tending application, a Feature may be defined by a datum location on a machining fixture. The datum location may be obstructed by additional fixturing or components in the machine. Tearing down the machine setup to re-teach the robot is prohibitively time-consuming and costly, but an Edit Pose button would enable the necessary change in seconds.
  1. A user may be able to make more precise adjustments to robot positioning using the Edit pose button rather than moving the robot to the teach points. Examples:
  • A pallet location is defined as a Feature in URCaps as a Point feature. (This feature is defined using a single point on the machine frame that locates the pallet, and no other reliable datum points are available on the machine frame to use a Plane Feature). A user wishes to align a Depalletizing sequence within 2mm in Z over a 1 meter distance in X or Y. Re-teaching the Point feature using the available machine datum has a repeatability of 4mm over a 1 meter distance in X and Y. Using the currently-available methods to teach the Point feature, the user must repeatedly re-teach the Feature and check the error until the random noise in the teaching operation produces a Feature pose that correctly aligns with the desired pick pattern.

I’m happy to offer additional clarification if my description isn’t adequate.

