Excuse me, can anyone explain how to send commands to the robot from a PC which can then control a URcap within the robot’s onboard software.
We have our arm working with python scripts on a PC sending commands via the remote control interface (URx library for now) and have since fitted an OnRobot RG2 gripper. The gripper comes with a URcap which on the pendant can be clicked in the top right corner to give commands to open or close and how much force to use.
When using the gripper the arm has its tool end cable GPIOs placed under the control of the URcap,
To my understanding the URcap also creates “rg2” script functions of a format “rg_grip(rg_width, force, tool_index=0, blocking=True, depth_compensation=False, popupmsg=True)” available on the robot’s internal pendant programming interface, but I’ve no idea how to run such commands from a remote control source over ethernet. An “RG grip” command is also available in the pendant’s GUI. A variable of some sort “Rg_Width” also exists on the robot’s pendant, it would be good to be able to read that out over the remote control ethernet link to the PC with the python script.
Thank you