I wonder if it is possible to connect and control a RG2 gripper directly from a UR10 controller’s box. I have been trying unsuccessfully to do so by connecting the gripper to the controller box, as indicated on the RG2’s manual (first image). I must say the table it’s a bit confusing, for example is the “tool output” actually the controller’s output to the tool? And is 0v, the same as GROUND?. I created a script that set’s digital_output _6 to true and false every second, but it doesn’t do anything, unless I touch the metallic tip of the connector, then the gripper kind of moves for a bit, so I don’t know if I am having an electrical problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I attached a picture showing how I connected the cables to the controller’s ports.
What you basically did was move the signals from one place to another place in the UR.
When using the tool connector on the UR, the connected device will be controlled by the tool signals (also found on the IO tab). These are the ones shown in the table, as well:
The OnRobot RG2 can be controlled through the digital signals if it’s the RG2 V1. The newer models V2/V3 use the RS485 interface instead, so these won’t be controlled purely by the digital signals.
For the newer models to be controlled by digital signals, you will need the OnRobot Compute Box as explained in the OnRobot manual for WebLogic control.
Your tool IO are located in the small connector on the tool mounting flange of the robot. So all you gotta do is connect your RG2 normally to the tool IO connector with the standard cable.
Then you can go to the IO tab and test the tool signals to see how the gripper moves.
The problem is the robot’s tool connector is a bit loose and doesn’t work properly all the time, that’s why I want to connect the gripper directly to the controller’s i/o panel (using a male 8-354 cable). Do you know if what I want, it’s possible?
Ah, right. That’s going to be a bit more difficult.
The tool outputs are NPN meaning they’re sinking to ground/0V on enabling and not sourcing 24V as normal PNP will do. If you want to connect to a digital output in the controller, which is PNP, you will have to use a relay.
Oh yes, it sounds a bit more complicated. Do you have any diagram or perhaps any “tutorial” on how to create such a circuit? In any case, thank you so much for your help
It’s easy to install luckily.
Two regular Normally Open 24V relays. Connect A1 to digital output in UR and A2 to 0V in UR. This way the UR can control the relay.
Connect 0V from UR to COM on relays. Then connect the NO contact to the blue and pink wires inidividually (one for each relay of course).