Im relatively new to electronics. I have not worked with the robots digital I/O so far. I want to be able to digitally turn my Air Pressure on and off. From my understanding I wouldnt need any seperate controller to do so.
Can I just connect a few relays with an external 12V power supply to my 12V Valves using the NO contacts and have the Robots Outputs switch them on and off?
Do I also need to connect the relay itself to my external power supply or can it be powered off the Robot?
Sure, you can control a 24V relay with a digital output of the robot. Then you can forward the 12V from your 12V supply to your 12V pneumatic valve.
Alternatively, and what most people do today, you can find a 24V pneumatic valve instead. It will simplify things a lot and they’re all over the place.
Then you can connect the valve directly to the digital output of the robot, as long as the coil is less than 48W of power (2A).
Thank you! That sounds way easier. I unfortunately already have 12V valves though. Can I also use Buck Converters to adjust the Robots output voltage to 12V? My Valves only run at 4.5W each.