I would like to make a complete backup of an UR3 robot that has a Wrist Camera and Vacuum Grippers attached.
The backup should contain data such as CamLocate - FeaturesPoints, Position Snapshots and Learned Objects.
Backup should also include settings already made in polyscope: speed, acceleration.
If polyscope fails, I would like to have these files on a usb stick or PC so I can put them back in polyscope.
How can I do this safely?
I believe in the UR user manual there is a section on Backing Up the robot. Basically you’ll need an 8gb USB (at least the last time I tried with a smaller stick it told me I didn’t have enough space).
You can go to the main settings and system of Polyscope by using the hamburger menu in the upper right of the teach pendant. There you can find where it says backup robot and you tell it which usb you want to put the backup file. Hint: use the USB port in the control box to make the backup run faster, if you use the pendant port it will take ages and it already takes a millennium for the system to fully backup
I don’t fully understand what it does and doesn’t do under the hood but I think it’s basically taking an “image” of the robot at that instant. Any files, programs, URcaps, settings, logs, and/or variables are then recorded in this (*.urub) file.
You can also probably pull specific files by creating your own “magic file” (look these up on your own) but if you aren’t familiar with ssh or bash this could take you down a rabbit hole and potentially cause you to lose/delete system files then your SOL with the robot.
IMO I’d try the backup, then if that doesn’t give you what you need try doing file open, change the search filter to “all files” and try and find the image files or files that are import to the camera and copy/paste them in the USB.
Anyways sorry for the long post, hope this helps someone else may have a better answer for you but best of luck!