Memory debug: Is it possible for the RAM to get overloaded?

Hello, I am currently running a .urp program that incorporates 50 CamLocate functions and pick-place operations for various objects. Additionally, I am reading and writing modbus registers (connect with IP). The size of my .urp file is 3,0M, and also some additional .variables file, overall /programs occupies 29M.

However, I am facing an issue where Polyscope unexpectedly closes, requiring me to restart the robot, which is quite inconvenient.
Furthermore, I have noticed that Polyscope runs slowly when switching between tabs or when i try to start my program.

Could this be a memory-related problem or is there something else causing this issue?
Could you please provide guidance on how to debug this problem effectively in my specific setup? UR3 Robot + Robotiq Wrist Camera + Robotiq Vacuum Gripper.

It can be, one of my clients had this problem a long time ago on CB-series

Did you try to suppress variables or point in the Function tab and see if you have the problem again? I remembered that his programs doesn’t load because of this problem
The solution given was to suppress points that are not necessary in the function tab (but i think it will be difficult because it use by Robotiq Wrist camera). And for the variables in the installation tab you can use List

Firstly, I would ensure that you are running the latest version of Polyscope as well as all of the URCaps are up to date. There are frequent bug fixes in software that may resolve this issue.

Next, are you getting a specific error when Polyscope closes?

Finally-make sure that there are no unnecessary threads in your program. For example-combine threads if possible, and ensure any checkboxes that create threads in the background, such as logic with: ‘check expression continuously’ are unchecked when not needed.

Thanks. I have version and I would like to update to SW 3.15.3. How can I make sure that the version is compatibile with the accessories used? Such as robotiq vaccum gripper and robotiq wrist camera.

You’ll have to check the URCap documentation for that. :slight_smile:
Robotiq will probably have a newer version of the URCaps for 3.15.

EDIT: Magic files are found in the download section as Software: UR Download | Support Site | Universal Robots

thank you, i will check.

I checked also my mem consumption with ps aux. One question about consuming processes.
What processes are these? do you consider these values normal?
VSZ 1.11GB RSS 802MB java -Djava.library.path=/root/GUI/lib -jar bin/felix.jar
VSZ 460MB RSS 453MB ./URControl
VSZ 762MB RSS 409MB ./visionserver --portnum 4242 --loglevel 4 --logtarget file --versionname UCC-