Adapt maximum force with speed (Safety function)

Adapt maximum force with speed


*Give the possibility to adapt maximum force with speed (ex: low maximum force at high speed, high maximum force at low speed)

What is it?

*Give the possibility to adapt maximum force with speed (ex: low maximum force at high speed, high maximum force at low speed), This could be done by giving the possibility to input pairs of parameters (speed, force). The safety software could interpolate between those values.

Why is it needed?

*In collaborative application if the robot speed increase the maximum force have to decrease. Il the speed increase you can tolerate more force.
At the moment maximum force is constant. Whatever the speed the maximum force allowed is the same. This cause some challenge when you need to perform some force actions at slow speed (ex: grip or release and object). There is the possibility to wait for the robot to turn in steady mode with a wait(is_steady()) but this require to robot to be stopped.
There are several cases where the robot needs to move at slow speed while handling high force. This technique cannot be use for this. Adjust maximum force with speed would give the possibility to be collaborative and use all the force capability of the robot at slow speed.