Maximum collaborative speed and acceleration

Hello everyone.

In my current project UR10e and an operator share the working space (approximately 40 cm is shared). Can you recommend the documentation where I can find safety speed and acceleration limits in coworking space?

Thanks in advance,


I think you will want to look at creating a safety Plane for putting the Robots into Reduced mode. You should be able to find this info in the UR User Manual for the UR10e on page 134 for “Safety Planes”. The limits will depend on what you set in the “Safety” section of the Installation.

There’s no such thing as a general maximum allowed speed and acceleration. It depends completely on the setup and should be based on a risk analysis done by you. The most important factors being:

  • Are there any sharp corners on the robot tool?
  • Are there risks of getting squeezed between the robot and other objects?
  • Is the robot working in the same height as the operator’s head?

You should look into reading ISO/TS 15066 (technical standard). It has in depth explanations on how to determine maximum speed and tool designs (as as important).

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Agreeing with @efn here, adding some useful public information here:

Safety Made Easy

Thanks a lot for your support.

official guidance gives you force limitations for transient (impact) and quasi-static (squeeze) limits.
The proper way to confirm this is to use a force sensor to test your limit settings.

My rule of thumb has been to set limits that i can stop it with one finger.

My solution about this topic is the following:

  • Wrote down which body region can be touched by the robot
  • Checked the maximum force and pressure in ISO/TS 15066 for body parts
  • Took the lowest pressure and force from body parts and counted with formulas: F=ma, F=mV/t. P=F/cm^2

All of them was counted on quasi-static contact.

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