UR5 Max Torque Wrist 6 in force mode

Hello dear people.
I am using the force_mode_control based in urscript reference.
I want to use the last joint as screwdriver to do some test.I read the Max value in this joint is 28Nm.
However, when I set the wrench in 28Nm in the force comand the joint just execute 10 N
Also, the Max value in wrench is 50 Nm, but when I set this value , is the same the joint just carried out 10 Nm

The max permisible force 28Nm IS just to position ans speed control ?
Why I can not perform more torque in the last joint ?

check your safety config. power and force limits may be limiting the output.

if you want to measure torque - the ur sensors are the wrong sensors for the job. Theyre more or less good for yes/no kind of sensing.