UR10-CB3: Protective Stop C207A0 Fieldbus input disconnected

Hi, I recently started using this robot arm. And I am trying to use the ‘example_control_loop.py’ from RTDE_Python_Client_Library_examples.

Currently my robot is connected to the router with an Ethernet cable. I also pinged my robot arm IP to see if the internet is the problem, but there was no issue.

The problem is that the .urd file can’t run because i get a ‘Protective Stop C207A0 Fieldbus input disconnected’ message. So far I haven’t added anything yet to the polyscope like URcaps, remote control or any third party program. I tried looking at the EtherNet/IP setting, but it gives me the no connecter indicator.

I would appreciate if someone could help me through this or could explain if i missed something very obvious.

My purpose is to establish a connection between either local or remote.

edit; purpose.

Python script needs to be started before program on the robot.
Make sure that ROBOT_HOST is set to robot address.

Thank you, this is exactly what i needed to proceed. I had the order wrong of starting it up.