UR magic file to set robot IP

Hello everyone. I have a UR5e robot without the Teach Pendant. Previously, I used VNC for remote control, but recently due to reinstalling the computer, I lost the robot’s IP address. Is there a magic file or way I can set a static IP for the robot in case I don’t have a TP and can’t access it using VNC?

Not that I know of.

But you can connect a screen to it with the Mini Displayport and a USB keyboard and set up the IP. :slight_smile:

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You can use an IP scanner to like AngryIPScanner to find all devices on the network.
There you can find the current IP of the robot.

You can then connect to that ip via VNC or SSH and set a static IP.

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magicIP.zip (983 Bytes)
Here’s a magic file that will copy the “interfaces” file over to the UR controller. So just put both the URMagic file and the “interfaces” file on the root of the flashdrive. Be sure to edit the “interfaces” file and replace the Address and Subnet with whatever you want.

As always, I’ll give you the boiler plate warning of “run custom magic files at your own risk, they are not condoned by UR, etc etc.” You’re free to edit the magic file and look at the code for yourself. It’s a single Copy instruction.


Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your help.
@efn that’s a good idea. I had forgotten that it could output images via display port.
@robin_gdwl I have never used AngryIPScanner. Does it need the user to enter the IP range to be scanned? For example “” like Advance IP Scanner. Because I really don’t remember what IP address I set for the robot :frowning:
@eric.feldmann that’s what I’m looking for. Thank you so much.