How to Connect UR to the Internet

I finally managed to get myself an Ethernet cable and plugged the UR5 I’m working with into the modem. However when I go into Setup Robot -> Network I can’t get it to connect.

I tried DHCP and Static Address as well but I kept getting a little red cross saying Not connected to network.

This is my first time trying to connect the robot to anything via Ethernet and I have no idea what to do now. I looked at some of the Ethernet/IP guides and setups, but they just enter in the values for IP and Gateway and everything works or they skip over this step entirely and go straight into the installation Ethernet/IP setup.

What should I do to connect the UR5 to the modem and allow it to have internet access or be accessible from the local network?

Here are my gateway and IP details from ipconfig/all

This got me too. Ethernet/IP is not what you think it is. It is a communication standard like Profinet, but with poorly chosen name.

Connecting robot to internet is not any more complicated than connecting regular PC. Tell me more about your setup. Do you have a router? Where is the cable coming from?

You should just have to input static IP (make sure noone else uses it!) or choose DHCP. Maybe you will have to put in a DNS server, if it does not show up automatically. You can use from Google. Without DNS you can ping specific ip on the internet, but if you try to ping it by name, it will not work.

I would also like to remind, that if you just connect your robot to Internet with standard password and no security measures it will be an easy target for attacks. It is still simple linux pc.

Good luck & have fun. :slight_smile:


Turns out I just had to leave it on for a while. The Ethernet cable had a constantly blinking orange light, which means data transfer is occurring.

It took a while, but it looks like it figured it out itself.

Can you please mark this thread as solved?

Replying to an old thread because I dont want to make a new one. I have had my robot connected via ethernet and have been using a vnc viewer. However when I came back from the holidays, it was disconnected. The robot says “Network connected” with the green checkmark but no matter what I do, it will not give me an IP address on the pendant. I tried manually inputting the old IP address but that didnt work, likely because I didnt have all of the other values as well. Any ideas?

Thank you