I’m working on an URcap for a dualgripper with some extra features so the the 2x2 tool I/O is not enough. I’m planning to make a simple serial communication to make the extra commands.
So far I have worked on the ManipulateIO and expanded it the so it now has a 6 state radio group so I’m in the beginning in understanding how this works.
Is the only documentation for the object structure to look in the files via maven or is there a searchable help file somewhere I have missed?
I need to update polyscope variables to communicate the status therefore I’m very interested in the cyclecounter and idletime example.
I want to run the serial communication from a daemon so therefore I’m very interested in the mydaemon example.
Has anyone luck running these three examples ? Should I try an older SDK? maybe it has worked before.
That is your error right there. I suppose you are trying mvn install -P ursim ?
Then you need to go to pom.xml and input path to your ursim installation.
<!--Install path for the UR Sim-->
<ursim.home></ursim.home> # this is normally in the file
<ursim.home>/home/ur/ursim-current</ursim.home> # this is what you have to put in (or different directory if you keep it somewher else)
Also for future reference: when you mark text in terminal, it is automatically copied. You can paste it with middle mouse button. It is separate clipboard than the one you use with ctrl+c.
If you following my solution in your other post you can modify a few sections of the pom.xml file to fix this build error. I believe this is the same error I resolved in the other solution.
This time it failed while compiling Daemon. Looks like you’re trying to build C++ daemon. I’ve never done that. Maybe somebody else can help you. I only created Python daemons.