Mydaemon daemon fails to start

The sample daemon does not want to start for me.

What I did:

  • downloaded
  • commented out the three executions in pom.xml that require scons - clean-daemon, compile-daemon, copy-daemon, since I don’t have scons and I just want to try the python daemon,
  • mvn install
  • copied the produced mydaemon-1.0-SNAPSHOT.urcap into /home/ur/ursim-current/programs.UR5 of a freshly installed URSim-3.3.3-292.rar virtual machine
  • installed the urcap in ursim, I see that the file is there /home/ur/ursim-
  • but in ursim gui in the installation tab My Daemon page it says “My Daemon failed”, clicking “Start Daemon” doesn’t seem to change anything

What am I missing? Is there a way to debug what’s going on?

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The same mydaemon-1.0-SNAPSHOT.urcap file works on the “URSim Starter” virtual machine, though. So, I’ll just use that one.

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I solved this problem by running as root, but some other things aren’t maybe functioning right, but works to just test the damon.
cd ursim-current
sudo ./

hope this helps.


Thanks for the tip.

I can confirm that this is still an issue running URSim on the Virtualbox image.

this is still an issue in march 2023