i tried to get a TCP pose of a waypoint in feature coordinates according to method described in the thread: How to get tcp pose in feature coordinates?
In order to get my original pose (TCP w.r.t base) i made a call calculatedPose = pose_trans(featurePose,poseInFeatCoordinates) and the values seem coorect.
calculatedPose= p[x,y,z,a,b,c] and is the same as a waypoint pose (waypointPose) set by hand in polyscope. Which is expected.
Problem is, if i set a waypoint as a variable and assign calculatedPose which vector is exactly the same as a waypointPose, robot makes a strang and twisted move to a waypoint, never reaches necause it ends up in protective stop (joint limits or in my case self collision). If i set a waypoint “by hand” (p value is the same as calculatedPose) robot is able to make the linear move without a problem.
Usually when that happens to me, it is because the z axis of either my TCP or my plane feature is pointing the opposite direction from what I am assuming. It is trying to orient your TCP z axis either straight up or straight down.
I got around this by defining fixed values for my Rx, Ry and Rz in the position vector I built for the target position, so that it would not figure out its own rotation, and only calculating my x and y in the feature coordinates using the coordinate transform.
Thank you so much for additional insights!
But there’s the thing that I really can’t wrap my head around: Isn’t the waypoint (TCP position) uniquely defined by the pose vector w.r.t base? In that case, doesn’t that mean that I shouldn’t be observing two different moves?
Hi Anna, thank you for the most useful advices!
I was able to find the solution, which was actually a two step way: I adjusted the Z-axis of my TCP to be parallel to my feature and if had experienced any problems, i just reassigned any waypoint variables. I noticed that in some cases, if i had changed my waypoints, some assigned variables (var a = waypointX) haven’t updated to new values and caused problem during moves, defined by these variables.