Normally when changes are made in the installation file the save button in Load/Save section becomes enabled. When I make changes in my installation node that set values in the data model the save button remains disabled. I never noticed this problem in my old html cap but now its using swing I cannot make the save button enable. If i make another change to some other part of the installation file and save it then the changes in my node are saved. What am I doing wrong?
Can you share a code snippet, of the DataModel-set process you are executing?
Then we may be able to investigate why the “save” icon does not appear.
I have looked at length at the samples trying to see where we are doing something different to them to save to the data model for the installation file. I have tried little things lie changing whether the data model is decalred as final or not but nothing has helped. Our CAP both swing and html do not trigger the sve button to enable on our current virtual box.
I tried going back to a previous virtual box running polyscope 3.5 and deployed our current html CAP which has been having problems and the save button was enabled perfectly by any of the functions that iniclude a set method call to the data model. What has changed between 3.5 and now? Why doesn’t our CAP work on newer versions of polyscope? Should I be coding differently or is this a polyscope bug?
Any and all help/advice would be very much appreciated
Thank you for your advice. all the tests in 3.8 shaw that everything is working well with saving the installation so far. I assummed I had done something wrong not that it was a polyscope issue.