I am running RTDE scripts and communicating with robot as normal. However, I need to compute the “pose_inv” of a certain pose I have and return it. I decided to write a new script to test it out but got nothing. Here’s my code:
import socket
import time
ip = "192.168.X.XXX" # (censored for privacy reasons)
port = 30004
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.send(("pose_inv(p[0.1104911905226538, -0.34939614486365744, 0.6564523211369121, -0.025329895430537173, 0.029401735236980375, -0.09949301737799898])\n").encode())
message = s.recv(4096)
message2 = s.recv(4096)
After running pose_inv, I get an output of simply
Which is my first problem. Where is my pose? If I do the same on the Polyscope, I get the expected pose. My second problem is being able to send a command after that. When sending the second pose_inv (aka message2) I this error:
message2 = s.recv(4096)
ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
Any ideas? Thanks
Pose_inv is not an input that RTDE can read so you won’t be able to get a response for it. Also, you haven’t setup a recipe for the client and server to sync up on. Take a look at the example in our RTDE article below:
Additionally, you can read up on remote operation of the robot here:
I’m using the third party “ur_rtde” for RTDE communication, which handles recipes on its own. This was just an example code. Thanks for letting me know that RTDE can’t read pose_inv. Are there any other ways to print the pose_inv on my python side? When sending through socket communication, I get literal bytes in response that can’t be decoded by .decode(). I saw the other forum posts regarding functions that can decode them, is this really the only way?
Oh, well the ur_rtde library may have ways to send that script to the robot and get a response using other interfaces. That library was developed by a third-party so you may have better luck asking them:
Natively there are a couple ways you could probably do it. One may be to assign the pose_inv to a variable and send the full script line to the Primary/Secondary interface. From there you could connect to the Dashboard server on port 29999 and call “getVariable xxxxx” to get the variable value back in Python.
Yeah that was my last resort, to do everything through script calling. Thanks!