Setup: UR5e, RTDE Python
Connection with Ethernet Cable and IP Port 300004
The robot and a laptop are connected with an Ethernet cable, and I tested my program which worked fine. After a bunch of test runs, it often started to close the connection as if the robot wasn’t connected anymore. Because there is a long process in Python, I increased the watchdog timeout in the UR Polyscope. That worked, but without changes, it started to give me the same error mid-running the program:
[WinError 10054] Connection got closed from the Remotehost
And in Python RTDE, I got marked:
writable, _ = select.select(, [self.__sock], , DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
if len(writable): self.__sock.sendall(buf)
Also the Robot got stuck between two positions and just moved between them or waited 10s if the wait was set to 1s.
I gees my Laptop was overloaded from all my test runs before, maybe the chache wasn´t deleted. But after I restarted the PC and the Robot, it still didn´t work.
Yes now it works, it was set on 500Hz because thats the e-Series recommended frequenze, but I guess that was to much data for my work pc and therefore it started to buffer or something.
Is my guess right, could you maybe explane what exactly the problem caused?