I have a UR10e and I try to use it but I don’t have any password (and the person who use it before is no longer in the company).
The UR version is 5.2
Is there a way to reset all passwords, or restore factory default?
I’ve contacted my local distributor who said me to use this forum.
Hello ,
I have the same question and where and how should i press
Ctrl + alt+ f7 to enter the cui ?
I cant enter to program robot bec. There is password so will this solve my problem or there is any othet way .
Thanks on advance .
There is a magic file that you can use to achieve this, but for some reason it won’t let me put it here. Ask your UR rep for it or give me your email and I will forward it to you.
Here is a short guide to resetting the admin password (Debian OS root user password). I’m writing this up because it has come up on the UR Discord several times now. This would be common knowledge to anyone running small Linux homelab servers. Essentially this is a guide to manually put the correct hash for ‘easybot’ into the linux shadow file that is referenced for user authentication.