For what it’s worth, tested and working on 5.13 to install VNC by command line. use at your own risks:
Setup IP address on robot and your machine to SSH into the robot, root / easybot should be the defaults, robot should have internet access (plugged in a router for example)
edit /etc/apt/sources.list
it should have all these uncommented:
deb jessie main
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main
deb jessie/updates main
deb-src jessie/updates main
sudo apt update
sudo apt install x11vnc
x11vnc --storepasswd
Then set a password and save it in the default path.
to run from command line (for one-off interventions):
x11vnc -forever -noxdamage -display :0 -shared -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd
EDIT: running on boot does not seem to work with a password due to permissions, I’m still fiddling with this part, but it works all right over SSH, will edit things below when it’s fixed.
To run on boot, crontab -e
and add line:
@reboot x11vnc -forever -noxdamage -display :0 -shared -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd
Then use any vnc client, on mac do “Go->connect to server” in finder and vnc://{robot_ip}:5900