Installing XRDP on UR controller

Hello UR Community,

We are trying to install xRDP on the linux OS on the UR controller. Does anyone have any experience in doing this?
I assume this is needed to use windows remote desktop to connect to PolyScope. Using a normal VNC like X11vnc is not an option.


Asger Printz Madsen
Software engineer
Technicon a/s

Hi @apm2,
for sure you could install some RDP/VNC lightweight framwork on the controller, however this is quite dangerous for safety implications. Using a remote desktop tool to control a robot will result in controlling the device remotely but having local safety status on the robot. Local workers which stend near the robot need to have a privileged control over the robot, which is not possible if you can control the robot from PC using a “fake” remote connection.

Every remote operation should be performed with specific designeated remote functions provided by the robot itself.
Try to check remote mode and Dashboard server on UR docs.

Hello, we need to specifically use windows remote desktop. Do you know a good and secure client to enable this to install on the robots? We will only use this to troubleshoot and debugging purposes for our costumers. Especially costumers with clean room requirements.