Hi there! I agree with @dhv . I think this, as well as other related node information, should have a easy way to be accessed.
For the URCap I’ve been develping I needed to know the total count of my nodes that were active (not supressed) in the user program.
These were some of my needs and the things I found out:
My program needs to know my node count nearly from the beginning of the user code
My URScript generation Java methods are called when the user press play or when the program is saved
Installation node is called first, the each ‘active’ (non supressed) node in the order it appears in the tree.
After some researching I ended up with the following workaround:
- In my Installation Node URScript generation Java method: I reset to 0 a Java variable to hold the count, defined in the installNodeContrib class.
- In the URScript generation Java method for each of the nodeContrib I want to count, I increased this var
- Each time this Java var is updated, it is passed via socket to a Python daemon, using JSON in my case
- This daemon sends this count to the user program script code, at runtime. How? I connect python daemon with robot via RTDE. And in the Script generation for my installation node I define and run a thread that continuosly checks this value from RTDE and updates a global variable. This variable I use later in the URScript generated for each node.
Long way… should be an easier one, right?
If you need help with this tell me.