Pallet wizard question: Possible to rotate wrist 180° for last box in pallet layer?

Hello all,

I am trying to use a palletizing program to pick and place packages into a box, 5 boxes in a line, per layer. My problem is I run into clearance issues on the last box each layer. The vacuum gripper hits the side of the box due to the master boxes’ height. Is there a way to rotate the wrist 180° for box #5 in each layer using the pallet program?

If possible this will give me the clearance I need without needing to use a wrist extension / spacer.

Thanks in advance.

Have the same problem, did you figure it out?

I ended up starting over using an irregular pallet program. Just have to teach the points for each item then rotate the wrist for the last item.

But I’m now getting an error for the last box on final layer for inverse kinematics. Not sure why the program works for the rest of the layers. I haven’t had a chance to mess with it some more though.

For the last box, maybe it’s because of rotations limit of the robot.