Overview of used ports on local host

This is a wiki post, so everyone that is distributing their URCap(s) and is using a port on local host shall add their usage here:

Port Number Interface
80 Reserved by UR
502 Modbus TCP
1506 iCOM Giken - MultiConnect I/O
2222 Ethernet/IP
3306 NexCOBOT - SRB(Smart Robot Box)
3636 Olympus/Igus Dryve D1 implementation
3637 Olympus/Igus Dryve D1 implementation
4251 Robotiq
4561 Enabled Robotics
4568 Enabled Robotics
4840 Rocketfarm OPC UA
5500 Aim robotics
5800 - 6000 VNC servers
6666 Apache Felix OSGi
6968 Hire Robotics - Beacon
7000 NexCOBOT - SRB(Smart Robot Box)
7400 - 7401 ROS2
7412 - 7413 ROS2
7827 Internally used
7828 Internally used
8000 Nordbo palletizer
8001 Nordbo palletizer
8080 Not recommended since many old URCaps default to this port, Rocketfarm Pally URCap
8081 Rocketfarm Pally URCap
9002 DH Robotics - PGC gripper
9040 HD Vision System
9090 V.Qnect+
12010-12012 Backyard-Automation Co. Ltd
12510-12550 Aim robotics
19902 TripleA robotics
20202 Bota Systems
25689 Sick - Nano Scan
29919 Internally used
29998 Internally used
29999 Dashboard server
30001 Primary
30002 Secondary
30003 Real-time
30004 RTDE
30011 Primary read only
30012 Secondary read only
30013 Real-time read only
30020 Interpreter mode
30100 SMC - Gripper
30101 ArtiMinds Essentials
30102 ArtiMinds Essentials
31416 OnRobot
30200 - 30201 SMC
30386 ASPINA gripper
30399 ASPINA gripper
32320 - 32329 Flexfactory AG
32990 - 33009 PHD Inc
33010 NAST Automation
34964 Profinet
35000 Cobotracks
36313 Robotiq
36789 SoftRobotTech Ltd.
38610 Gibas - Festo Track
38611 Gibas - Eco system
38612 Gibas - G-Loader
39429 Robotiq
39595 Olis Robotics
39800 - 39802 Hire Robotics - Cloud URCap
39991 Schmalz
40000 Ethernet/IP
40002 Profinet
40145 - 40148 KoyoDenshi
40405 Used in URCap sample
40406 Linrob
40408 Tool modbus RTU Sample URCap
40409 Rocketfarm OPC UA
40419 Rocketfarm Pally URCap
40445 Asyril SA - EYE+
40512 Impaqt-robotics
40720 - 40729 Spin Robotics
41414 OnRobot
41995 OPTIMO Robotics
42471 Robotiq
43210 Photoneo
44005 OnRobot
44044 Asyril SA - SmartSight
44221 Weiss Robotics
44222 Weiss Robotics
44330 - 44339 Ecosphere
44818 Ethernet/IP
45655 New Scale Robotics(Deprecated)
45677 Radalytica
45688 Radalytica
46666 Jodell Robotics-RG gripper
46751 New-Era Gripper
47405 ATI Industrial Automation - Force/Torque (F/T) Sensor
49152 Profinet
49495 Flexxbotics
50000 Mech-Mind - 3D Vision
50003 Internally used (e-Series only)
50004 Internally used (e-Series only)
50005 Internally used (e-Series only)
50006 Internally used (e-Series only)
50009 Internally used (e-Series only)
50510-50512 Deep-Link_Smart_Tool_URCap
50598 Tesollo DG-3F
51234 OnRobot
54321 Universal_Robots_ToolComm_Forwarder_URCap
55400 New Scale Robotics
56789 Schunk EGL gripper
61100 NexCOBOT - SRB(Smart Robot Box)
61101 Ethernet/IP Monitor(URCap Sample)
63350 - 63352 Robotiq
65432 Sick - Nano Scan
category description
Product type Accessories
Daemon 33010
Developer NAST Automation

Documentation note
in special cases service port: 33010 could be modified in urcap settings

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For the Cobotracks Linear Motion Kit:
The default daemon port is set to 35000. It can be changed in installation in the range of [35000-39999]


I added that the port 22 is used on SSH protocol.

Is port 29919 for dashboard either?

Hello UR,
We are using port 9090 for daemon in our product.
Please add it in the wiki page.


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Could someone edit the wiki and add:

port 41995 OPTIMO Robotics

Can someone add the following to the wiki:

Port 49495 Flexxbotics

Thank you.

Can someone add 2 new ports:

  • 44044 SmartSight
  • 40445 EYE+
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Hello, Please add these ports used by “New Scale Robotics”.

Dedicated Daemon port: 45655
Default port used for external data communications: 55400

please add port 9040 for HD Vision Systems.

Thank you.

Thanks for added these two. Is it possible to add the prefix “Asyril SA -” before each of them?

It would looks like this:

  • Asyril SA - EYE+
  • Asyril SA - SmartSight

Sorry for the last modification.


Could you please add the following 3 ports?

38610 Gibas - Festo Track
38611 Gibas - Eco system
38612 Gibas - G-Loader


Can you add the following 19 ports for me?

32990 to 33009 - PHD, Inc


Mat. O.

I added the port 61101 for my urcap sample.

61101: xml-rpc server port for Ethernet/IP Monitor

Dear UR,

Can you reserve port 40720-40729 for Spin Robotics products.

40722 - Spin Robotics - SD35/SD70

Best Regard

Dear URCap Team

please add the following port

36789 softgripper - SoftRobotTech Ltd.


Could you please add the following ports for Beacon cloud URCap.

Port 6968
Port 39800-39802


Could port 47405 be reserved for ATI Industrial Automation?

47405 - ATI Industrial Automation - Force/Torque (F/T) Sensor
