Old URSim needed

The robotics bachelor where I teach uses UR robots. We were given a 2012 UR10 robot equipped with a CB2 controller (firmware version: Polyscope 1.6.9072). We already have an UR5e from 2023, and we’ve designed our practical work so that students first validate their programs in simulation on URsim, before testing their solution on the real robot. We’d like to do the same for the UR10 robot. So I’m looking for a version of URSim where our students can write programs compatible with this UR10 robot. It will be very useful if somebody knew where to find such an old release.

Thanks in advance for your answers

You should definitely update your CB2 to the latest software version which is 1.8.x. You can do that by following the instructions described in the service manual for CB2 (page 87): https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ur-support-site/17246/ServiceManual_UR10_en_2.0.8.pdf

And then you can use URSim 1.8: Universal Robots - Offline Simulator - CB-Series - Non Linux - URSim 1.8.16941