Not getting data from control box to Unity c# while UR3 is recieving commands properly


The project I am working on is to contrl UR3e in Unity (GitHub - rparak/Unity3D_Robotics_UR: A digital-twin of the Universal Robots UR3 integrated into the Unity3D development platform.) through realtime interfeaces. They made a digital twin of the actual UR3e and they are suppesed to be sychronized within TCP/IP
It works pretty well for giving commands.

But the problem is that my computer is not getting any packets for joints orientation data, even though they are connected both ways.
I tried connecting the digital twin with a virtual UR3, it worked exactly how it is supposed to.
I asummed the codes are fine, plus the codes are verified by may other users.
I think the problem is about TCP/IP or UR3e.

Anyone ever had the same issue?

thank you so much

Hello, I am following your question but I have a problem myself.

My simulation works for a few seconds receiving data from the arm and then it stops.
Did you have the same problem?

same issue here, i’ve tried changing the code multiple times to solve this issue but it seems to stop collecting data at random intervals