I would like to invoke the Script functions provided by a third-party URCap in my own developed URCap.
I tried to replace the following code at Line 53, Line 54 with the Script functions provided by the third-party developer.
URCap-ScriptCommunicator/com.jbm.urcap.sample.scriptCommunicator/src/main/java/com/jbm/urcap/sample/scriptCommunicator/impl/TestInstallationNodeContribution.java at master · BomMadsen/URCap-ScriptCommunicator · GitHub
However, there is no response, and the URCap interface becomes unresponsive.
I would like to inquire how to invoke the Script functions provided by the third-party URCap within URCap-ScriptCommunicator.
Is it necessary to modify the pom.xml file? If so, how should it be modified?
Thank you.
So the UI will freeze any time you send something with a syntax error over socket like that. So be VERY sure you aren’t just missing a closing parenthesis or didn’t capitalize a T in True or something very benign. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve crashed like this and the answer was some minor syntax error. Other than that, I would suspect it is crashing because your 3rd part URCAP doesn’t write its script files into the UR until it executes. So to YOUR cap, that function doesn’t exist, and therefor you crash because it is essentially seeing a syntax error. It has no idea what that function is. Now if you had your CAP write a call to that script function in some generateScript() method AFTER the 3rd party CAP had written its script where it defines it, you’d probably be OK.