I am using UR 10e robot with Onrobot VGC10 Vacuum Gripper for current project.
I measured the payload and set it as a active Payload under Installation tab(named it as “Vakuumgreifer”) . Also did similar to the TCP settings. Below are the images for reference.
The text just tells you, that the settings on the Initialization screen are the active settings.
It says a custom payload is active, because some command/function in your program is overwriting the payload when it is executed.
This is most likely the VGC10 grip or release command, which has the built-in function to set the payload, when it grips or releases a part. If you do not want it to do this, then you must disable the function in all the OnRobot commands.
You should, however, always set the correct payload when the state of the robot changes. Either use the built-in command in the OnRobot command, or use the UR command Set Payload.
Hello efn,
thanks for your helpful, insightful answer.
Now it makes sense why after each grip and release, the payload changed. I did not take into account VGC10’s built in function override.
I will have a look into it.