Increment E-Stop Counter


We have a UR10e cobot, and we are trying to count the number of emergency stops that occur over the course of the program. Is there any feasible method for doing this?

We are aware that threads and the program pause or stop when an e-stop is triggered, but is there any way to capture this?

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Hmmm. Well the log file will record when an emergency stop event happens, but honestly if this is happening so often that you want to count them, you have a bigger problem. The E-Stop is not meant to be used routinely, and will actually invalidate the warranty on the robot:

(Universal Robots - Connecting an Emergency Stop Device vs. a Safeguard Protective Device)

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So does UR have access to a lifetime log file that we don’t? It’d be of interest if considering purchase of a used unit.

Not sure about that. Especially since you could reimage the SD card, I don’t know where a file could be stored such that you could guarantee a complete history.

If you have a spare digital output you can use a workaround:

  • Configure an output in the installation as “Low on unscheduled stop”
  • Before start sequence: count a variable up, if the used output is low
  • Switch the output to high state

Only disadvantage: Other System Errors can also cause an unscheduled stop.
But usually this shouldn’t be common case.


I would do this with the output of a safety relay connected to a mechanical non-resettable counter triggered by a rising edge.

Using E-stop does not damage the robot. (but it may affect connected equipment)

It is generally advised not to use safety functions (like E-stop) for non safety purposed

Using E-stop does not damage the robot.

I’m pulling that straight from UR’s official guide. It goes on to say:

"Emergency stopping causes stress and wear on solenoids and brakes. These components are designed expecting a finite (limited) number of emergency stops before component replacement and/or service is required.

I confirmed with @bba that this is applicable for E-Stopping the robot while it is in motion. If it has already come to rest and then E-Stopped (for LOTO for example) then this is fine.